1. Become a DON'T BANKRUPT AMERICA! "ADVOCATE" by agreeing to make just ONE phone call or sending just ONE email to a state legislator urging them to check out our "DON'T BANKRUPT AMERICA!" effort.

Just click this link HERE to become an advocate.  No other time commitment besides the one call or email is required.

2. Consider Joining our "NATIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM" by participating in our regular Conference Call and helping to spread this idea to friends in your community or on your campus.

Just click this link HERE to get information about our Conference call and how you can participate.

Disclaimer. The map above does not belong to "Don't Bankrupt America."

Let's Do This!

Most young people agree that too many politicians in Washington are afraid to make hard budget choices. The result of this is taking America towards a fiscal crises that will leave the next generation with the bill.

70% of Americans agree we need a balanced budget amendment, but most understand Congress won't ever impose fiscal discipline on themselves.

To paraphrase Clint Eastwood:

"They just won't do it themselves."

But states can be empowered to FORCE Congress to impose fiscal discipline. A movement led by a new generation could have the credibility to get a majority of State Legislatures to pass the necessary laws to start the process.


You can stop Washington Politicians from Bankrupting America. 

Let's go over some details:

The campaign starts with young leaders around the nation, each of whom will use their Facebook page and personal contacts to find 5-10 people who will agree to make just ONE phone call to a state legislator (the campaign can provide a name) and send a follow up email (which the campaign can provide).

The call and email will ask state legislators to co-sponsor and support our model "Empower the States" law similar to the one enacted in 7 states-Indiana, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah.

The goal is to have this law introduced and passed in 30 states with Republican or moderate Democratic majorities in the state legislature.

The strategy was designed by a legal team led by David Rivkin, the outside counsel of the 26 states who sued to overturn Obamacare.

With 50 or more leaders (ideally at least one per state) we can attract the attention, first of the conservative media, and potentially of the mainstream media as well.

Even occupy Wall Street, with a bad idea and no way to make it happen got a lot of attention. This project, in contrast addresses what everyone recognizes is a critical problem and proposes an idea (a balanced budget amendment) that over 70% of Americans support.

                   Everyone knows Washington is broken. Empowering the states to force it to act is a credible idea.

If the idea of mobilizing young people to make ONE call to empower states to force Congress to pass a balanced budget, driven by your marketing ideas and those of other young leaders, goes viral there could be hundreds or even thousands of volunteers and a new network of young leaders for the future.

You also will have made history, showing that a new generation can have an impact on what may be America's most critical challenge.

For more details on how the law works to force Congress to act, see www.MadisonCoalition.Org